0x00 Challenge Info After struggling to secure our secret strings for a long time, we finally figured out the solution to our problem: Make decompilation harder. It should now be impossible to figure out how our programs work! 0x01 Reconnaissance First we can run the binary to see what’s going on. ┌──(kali㉿kali)-[~/CTF/rev_behindthescenes] └─$ ./behindthescenes ./challenge <password> It tell us we should put some password as the argument to execute this. Next step, I check the printable str ...
0x00 Challenge Info We’ve located the adversary’s location and must now secure access to their Optical Network Terminal to disable their internet connection. Fortunately, we’ve obtained a copy of the device’s firmware, which is suspected to contain hardcoded credentials. Can you extract the password from it? 0x01 Reconnaissance It gave us a zip file. So we first unzip it with the password hackthebox. Then we can see a directory called ONT which stands for Optical Network Terminal. The interest ...
2024 CTF Training
Unread前言 這三十天感覺還是學到挺多的,不錯不錯。希望之後比賽可以有點好成績吧!下學期跟著牛肉湯一起學習!然後今天刷的題目都是 PicoCTF 的 Web 題。 今日進度 Forbidden Paths It is my Birthday Irish-Name-Repo 1 今日狀態 起床時間:12:00 知識量:⭐⭐⭐ 疲勞程度:⭐⭐⭐ 精神狀態:⭐⭐⭐⭐
UnreadPrologue All the following example will be shown in C Programming Language or pseudo code. This is the note when I was taking the course in NCKU, 2024. Blablabla… Finally, I would like to declare that almost every photo I use comes from the handouts of my course at NCKU, provided by the professor. If any photo comes from another source, I will give proper credit in the caption or description of the image. Complexity Space Complexity The amount of memory that it needs to run to completion. S(P)= ...
2024 CTF Training
Unread前言 [2024/08/23 & 2024/08/24] 這兩天是我第一次參加 HITCON,感覺是個重要的里程碑,紀錄一下。總之這兩天我收穫非常非常多,也深深感受到那種和一群和你有相同興趣、相同目標的人待在一起的充實感。 也由於大家都是駭客,所以有很多我們自己的專屬語言。每當聽到的時候都可以會心一笑,這種感覺真的很棒,也滿讓人感動的。真希望之後可以每年都來參加。(對於南北的資源差距有很深的感受,火車和住宿好貴 QQ) 今日進度 HITCON CMT 2024 今日狀態 起床時間:08:00 知識量:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 疲勞程度:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 精神狀態:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
2024 CTF Training
Unread前言 八月最近有點小忙,還順便小小去玩了一下鳳中的 CTF 甄選還有中國大陸的一個比賽(我朋友邀的)。但因為沒有很認真地打+算是小比賽玩玩,就不寫 Writeup 了。 今日進度 IntroToBurp endianness 今日狀態 起床時間:08:00 知識量:⭐⭐ 疲勞程度:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 精神狀態:⭐⭐⭐⭐
2024 CTF Training
Unread前言 今天是在做 HTB 的 Baby Time Capsule 那題的時候發現要用到 CRT,所以趕緊去看一下到底是甚麼東西。感覺還是有很多數學定理沒有好好理解呀><。 然後這些是我在去綠島前+回來之後做完的,但還是把它算在同一天囉。 今日進度 Intro to Chinese Remainder Theorem [HTB] Baby Time Capsule Writeup 💊 今日狀態 起床時間:07:00 知識量:⭐⭐⭐⭐ 疲勞程度:⭐⭐⭐ 精神狀態:⭐⭐⭐⭐
0x00 Challenge Info Qubit Enterprises is a new company touting it’s propriety method of qubit stabilization. They expect to be able to build a quantum computer that can factor a RSA-1024 number in the next 10 years. As a promotion they are giving out “time capsules” which contain a message for the future encrypted by 1024 bit RSA. They might be great engineers, but they certainly aren’t cryptographers, can you find a way to read the message without having to wait for their futuristic machine? ...
UnreadPrologue Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) is also known as Sun zi’s Theorem. It first appear on the Chinese book called Sūnzǐ Suànjīng, literally The Mathematical Classic of Master Sun/Master Sun’s Mathematical Manual. Here’s the math question in that book. 今有物不知其數,三三數之餘二,五五數之餘三,七七數之餘二,問物幾何? There is something, but we do not know its exact quantity. When divided by 3, the remainder is 2; when divided by 5, the remainder is 3; when divided by 7, the remainder is 2. What is the quantity? To solve ...
2024 CTF Training
Unread前言 今天把之前一直說要看的 SQLMap 的文檔是大致看過了一遍,也把它整理成了我自己比較好查詢的筆記模式!同時也去 THM 練了一下 SQLMap 的 Lab。然後今天跟朋友一起出門去咖啡廳,真開心! 今日進度 SQLMap Spellbook: Basic Usage of SQLMap 今日狀態 起床時間:10:00 知識量:⭐⭐⭐⭐ 疲勞程度:⭐⭐⭐ 精神狀態:⭐⭐⭐⭐