Reversing.Kr Writeups
Reversing.Kr Writeups
CX330Easy Crack
Open IDA and find the check password function (you can use a string to find it). I will put the decompiled function below.
int __cdecl sub_401080(HWND hDlg)
CHAR String[97]; // [esp+4h] [ebp-64h] BYREF
__int16 v3; // [esp+65h] [ebp-3h]
char v4; // [esp+67h] [ebp-1h]
memset(String, 0, sizeof(String));
v3 = 0;
v4 = 0;
GetDlgItemTextA(hDlg, 1000, String, 100);
if ( String[1] != 'a' || strncmp(&String[2], Str2, 2u) || strcmp(&String[4], aR3versing) || String[0] != 'E' )
return MessageBoxA(hDlg, aIncorrectPassw, Caption, 0x10u);
MessageBoxA(hDlg, Text, Caption, 0x40u);
return EndDialog(hDlg, 0);
on line 10 is the Windows API, which is used to obtain the text of the message box. The details are as follows.
UINT GetDlgItemTextA(
[in] HWND hDlg,
[in] int nIDDlgItem,
[out] LPSTR lpString,
[in] int cchMax
As you can see from line 11, if the condition here is true, an Incorrect message box will pop up, so the judgment here should be False. In this way, String[1]
is a
, String[2]
is Str2
, whose content is 5y
, String[4]
is R3versing
, and finally String[0]
is E
. We can obtain the password Ea5yR3versing
by ordering the sequence.
Easy Keygen
serial_str = "5B134977135E7D13"
serial_hex = [int(serial_str[i : i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, len(serial_str), 2)]
nums = [16, 32, 48]
v3 = 0
name = ""
while v3 < len(serial_hex):
name += chr(serial_hex[v3] ^ nums[v3 % 3])
v3 += 1
Easy Unpack
Easy ELF
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