Add a Seperator to Your Terminal!
Add a Seperator to Your Terminal!
CX330Why this?
Why? Just since it makes my terminal looks prettier and easier to understand. It devides every command into a BLOCK so that I can easily get to the point.
How it looks like?
The gray line in the graph is how it looks like. You can change the color later in your setup.
function print_separator() {
local cols=$(tput cols)
local color="\033[38;2;68;71;90m" # RGB(68, 71, 90), you can change the color here
local reset="\033[0m"
printf "\n"
printf "${color}%${cols}s${reset}\n" | tr " " "-"
printf "\n"
# Inject seperator after commands
precmd() { print_separator }
You can simply copy and paste the script above to your shell source, such as ~/.zshrc
or ~/.bashrc
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