[HTB] Behind the Scenes Writeup

0x00 Challenge Info

After struggling to secure our secret strings for a long time, we finally figured out the solution to our problem: Make decompilation harder. It should now be impossible to figure out how our programs work!

0x01 Reconnaissance

First we can run the binary to see what’s going on.

└─$ ./behindthescenes
./challenge <password>

It tell us we should put some password as the argument to execute this. Next step, I check the printable strings in the binary by using strings or the strings tab in IDA.


I found this is similar to the flag but we still don’t know the %s. So we can find some string that looks like the flag and fill it in.

0x02 Exploit

Finally I found it in the Hex View tab in IDA.

Hex View

Then we run the binary with ./behindthescenes Itz_0nLy_UD2, it print out the flag!

0x03 Pwned


After I watch others writeups, I found that my solution may not be the official way, maybe it’s an unintended solution. It’s recommend to read the following writeup to learn more from this challenge.

HackTheBox Behind The Scenes 逆向题目分析